Wednesday, February 10, 2010

First Post

Thank you for visiting Apple Up-To-Date. I'm here to let YOU know about all news from Apple and all the little tips and tricks to make YOUR Apple products even better.

So for my first post I'm going to tell you about a couple iPhone apps which have had all my attention lately. First there is Tap Farm.
Basically Farmville for the iPhone. This app is a must for anyone who enjoys Farmville. This app requires and internet connection to use. The devlopers are quickly adding new features so be sure to check for updates often.

Another app which most people have heard of is Shazam. If you are one of the few who havent you definatley need to check it out. This app allows you to hold your iPhone up to a speaker and "listen" and identify what the song is. After the song is tagged you are presented with all the information about the song including: Artist, Name, Album, Date, and links to Youtube and Appstore.

Please check back I'll be updating so

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